Imbalanced Learning Regression


A Python implementation of sampling techniques for Regression. Conducts different sampling techniques for Regression. Useful for prediction problems where regression is applicable, but the values in the interest of predicting are rare or uncommon. This can also serve as a useful alternative to log transforming a skewed response variable, especially if generating synthetic data is also of interest.


  1. An open-source Python supported version of sampling techniques for Regression, a variation of Nick Kunz’s package SMOGN.

  2. Supports Pandas DataFrame inputs containing mixed data types.

  3. Flexible inputs available to control the areas of interest within a continuous response variable and friendly parameters for re-sampling data.

  4. Purely Pythonic, developed for consistency, maintainability, and future improvement, no foreign function calls to C or Fortran, as contained in original R implementation.


  1. Python 3

  2. NumPy

  3. Pandas

  4. Scikit-learn


Install pypi release

$ pip install ImbalancedLearningRegression

Install developer version

$ pip install git+


>>> ## load libraries
>>> import pandas
>>> import ImbalancedLearningRegression as iblr

>>> ## load data
>>> housing = pandas.read_csv("")

>>> ## conduct Random Over-sampling
>>> housing_ro = = housing, y = "SalePrice")

>>> ## conduct Introduction of Gaussian Noise
>>> housing_gn = = housing, y = "SalePrice")


  1. Random Over-sampling

  2. Introduction of Gaussian Noise

  3. Condensed Nearest Neighbor

  4. Edited Nearest Neighbor

For the examples of other techniques, please refer to here.


© Paula Branco, 2022. Licensed under the General Public License v3.0 (GPLv3).


ImbalancedLearningRegression is open for improvements and maintenance. Your help is valued to make the package better for everyone.


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Branco, P., Torgo, L., & Ribeiro, R. P. (2019). Pre-processing approaches for imbalanced distributions in regression. Neurocomputing, 343, 76-99.

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Kunz, N., (2019). SMOGN.

Menardi, G., & Torelli, N. (2014). Training and assessing classification rules with imbalanced data. Data mining and knowledge discovery, 28(1), 92-122.

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Torgo, L., Ribeiro, R. P., Pfahringer, B., & Branco, P. (2013, September). Smote for regression. In Portuguese conference on artificial intelligence (pp. 378-389). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Wilson, D. L. (1972). Asymptotic properties of nearest neighbor rules using edited data. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (3), 408-421.